Supporting our youth throughout their adventure
Important links and information for parents
Communication wth parents
The sponsorship committee and the squadron will communicate with cadets and parents via Team Snap. A communication tool that sends emails and/or texts regarding training, fundraising and special events. Please sign-up so you can keep up to date when events are happening.
Please contact the sponsoring committee with your details to be added to our team on TeamSnap.
Sponsorship Committee
878 Squadron Sponsorship Committee is foundational in the operations of the Air Cadet program locally
The 878 Sponsoring Committee is a registered charity in the Province of Alberta. Fundraising efforts adhere to legislation concerning charitable organizations. Ultimately, the local sponsoring committee is responsible for keeping the doors open and the lights on for the local squadron. The cadet program within the Canadian Forces pays for uniforms, training, logistical support, summer camps and other organizational structures. The Sponsoring Committee pays for the gym rental, taxes, utilities, headquarters building maintenance, vehicles, insurance, recruiting initiatives and other financial costs of running the squadron.
Provincially, the Air Cadet League supports squadrons by maintaining the provincial glider fleet, providing scholarships, committee member training and other supportive work. Nationally, the League works with the Department of National Defence to create the best program available to our cadets in addition to financial support for power and gliding schools and other scholarships.
At the Local level, the Air Cadet League comprises of Squadron Sponsors and a Squadron Sponsoring Committee for each Air Cadet Squadron. The Squadron Sponsor is often an association or service club or a group of parents or others, from which human and other resources may be provided for the Squadron Sponsoring Committee (SSC). SSC’s are responsible to their respective Provincial Committees, and the Chair of the Squadron Sponsoring Committee is a Member of the Provincial Committee.
The day-to-day responsibility for administering the affairs of the Squadron in matters governed by the Air Cadet League (ACL) belongs to the Squadron Sponsoring Committee (SSC). Three essential features distinguish the SSC from the Squadron Sponsor. The first is that the SSC agrees to act on behalf of and in the interests of the ACL and to be responsible to the Provincial or Territorial Committee in whose jurisdiction the Squadron is located. The Squadron Sponsor has no such relationship with the ACL. The second is that the SSC is granted authority to make decisions and recommendations in certain matters on behalf of the ACL. The Squadron Sponsor has no such authority. The third is that the SSC has a formal role to play in discussions with the Commanding Officer (CO) as to the selection and funding for optional activities for the cadets during the training year. The Squadron Sponsor does not. The Chairperson and members of a SSC may be from either within or outside the Squadron Sponsoring Organization. The essential point is that the sponsorship of a Squadron be done well, regardless of how the SSC is set up; what is required is a sound basic organization that meets ACL requirements and good leadership. SSCs generate millions of dollars annually through donations and fundraising to support their local Air Cadet program. In addition to support received from its Squadron Sponsor, an Air Cadet Squadron may receive assistance and support from other organizations, groups or individuals who are simply Supporters of the Squadron (see Bylaws Article 9.3). SSCs must be cognizant of the undeniable importance of Squadron Supporters and the contribution they can make to the success of their Squadron
An aviation focused organization preparing youth to be engaged citizens of Canada.
To promote and encourage the nation’s youth to develop and maintain an interest in aviation, leadership and citizenship, in partnership with the Canadian Armed Forces and other organizations.
To help youth improve their knowledge of aerospace and aviation by supporting and providing access to educational programs and resources.
To help youth become better engaged citizens by providing opportunities to access educational programs and resources, including leadership, communication, volunteer opportunities, and awards and scholarships.
To collaborate and assist our CAF partners in our shared roles and responsibilities in support of the Royal Canadian Air Cadet program.
1. assisting in recruiting suitable persons to be Cadets in their Squadron;
2. making comments through their Provincial Committee to the appropriate Region Commander regarding the appointment, promotion, transfer or release of Cadet Instructor Cadre (CIC) Officers for their Cadet Squadron;
3. assisting in providing names of possible candidates for replacement Officers and for positions as Civilian Instructors or volunteers;
4. inviting suitable persons to be members of the Squadron Sponsoring Committee;
5. liaison with other Cadet unit Squadron Sponsoring Committees;
6. providing appropriate accommodation for their Squadron’s training, administration and stores when it is not provided by the CF;
7. providing training aids and equipment, including band instruments, not supplied by the CF;
8. arranging Cadet recreational programs;
9. providing transportation, when not available from the CF, for local training exercises
10. providing for the financial and administrative needs of the Squadron;
11. supporting Provincial Committee activities;
12. providing input to Cadets’ applications for summer training;
13. providing such other facilities or assistance as may be mutually agreed between the Squadron Sponsor, the Squadron Sponsoring Committee, and the CF; and
14. Registering and Screening all volunteers in accordance with League policies.
- Obtain suitable training quarters for the Squadron;
- Provide adequate financing for the needs of the Squadron not otherwise covered by DND;
- Encourage the enrolment of qualified young people as Air Cadets;
Visit the Squadron as frequently as possible during training periods;
- Work with the Commanding officer (CO) in selecting Air Cadets for training reward activities
- Award trophies and other special inducements for proficiency; and
- Sponsor Air Cadet Bands.
To the Community – The SSC will undertake to:
- Interpret the aims of the Air Cadet training, particularly to parents, civic authorities, community organizations, etc;
- Publicize the activities of the Squadron through press, radio and television, and through special activities; and
- Assist Squadron Officers in devising and carrying out Squadron projects that will be of benefit to the community; i.e., environmental clean-up campaigns, blood donor clinics,
- ushering at community events, etc.
To the Canadian Forces – it is the function of the SSC to:
- Work with the appropriate DND authorities in obtaining the services of properly qualified Officers and Instructors for the Squadron;
- Assist in the recruitment of new Air Cadets;
- Cooperate with the Commanding Officer in arranging medical examinations for Air Cadets; and
- Assist the Commanding officer in every way possible to ensure proper custody and care of equipment on loan to the unit from DND;
To the Air Cadet League – As a component of the ACL the SSC is expected to:
- Maintain a committee or group of adequate strength to support the Squadron;
- Delegate responsibilities to Members of the Committee, such as finance, publicity, enrolments, accommodation, liaison with other Air Cadet Squadrons, etc;
- Ensure that important announcements emanating from League Headquarters or the Provincial Committee are made known to Squadron personnel and to the Air Cadets;
- Provide required documentation to the provincial and national levels in a timely manner; and
- Provide financial support as agreed to the Provincial Committee.

Where we need help

Join the local committee
Our local organizing committee needs your help. As a registered charity and as part of our association with the Air Cadet League, we require a Board of Directors which includes the positions of Chair, Secretary, Treasurer and general board members. Your participation will help with supporting the training of our cadets.
If you are unable to commit to sitting as a board member, there are plenty of volunteer opportunities during our fundraising, recruiting and annual ceremonial review.
The sponsoring committee is open to the public who wish to help with supporting the 878 Squadron. Past cadets, cadet families, supporters are all encouraged to reach out and join us.
Help with bottle drives
A major fundraiser for the 878 Squadron is performing bottle drives in our local community. Cadets do help with this activity by going door-to-door, but the activity cannot happen without our parents and volunteers to drive, assist with door-to-door canvassing and be present at the sorting facility while they process our bottles. We have four bottle drives a year 2 in Exshaw/Banff and 2 in Canmore. The drivers occur on Friday evenings and Saturdays during the day. If you have a truck or cargo trailer, that is a huge asset for us.
Support current fundraising events
We have an ongoing fundraiser selling first aid kits. These are ordered online and available for pick-up only in Canmore. The packing of first-aid kits and processing of the order requires volunteers.
878 Air Cadets also have an annual silent auction that occurs during the annual ceremonial review (last parade of the year). We now hold a hybrid event where the items up for bid are online for purchase by the wider community. This is an excellent fundraiser, however, we rely on the generosity of our local businesses. If you would like to donate to the auction or have connections during our donation drive please let us know, and as always please shop local and purchase from the businesses that support us by browsing our sponsor page.
Fundraising activities
September 2028
Every 3-4 years the Sponsoring Committee qualifies for a Casino fundraiser. These events are a significant part of our fundraising. Volunteers are needed.

Annual Online Silent Auction
Online auction site will be available for pre-view and bidding in late May 2025

First-Aid Kit Sale
Bottle Drive

Will arrange pick-up if necessary – email us with information
Cadet Uniform Information
Uniforms are provided for free by the cadet program. Caring for the cadet uniform and information on where to place badges and awards can be found on the Cadet page.