878 Banff/Canmore Squadron
Royal Canadian Air Cadets
Remembrance Day
November 11

Every year on November 11, Canadians pause in a silent moment of remembrance for the men and women who have served, and continue to serve our country during times of war, conflict and peace.
We honour those who fought for Canada in the First World War (1914-1918), the Second World War (1939-1945), and the Korean War (1950-1953), as well as those who have served since then. More than 2.3 million Canadians have served our country in this way, and more than 118,000 have died. They gave their lives and their futures so that we may live in peace.
Canada’s involvement in the First and Second World Wars, the Korean War, and Canada’s efforts during military operations and peace efforts has always been fuelled by a commitment to protect the rights of others and to foster peace and freedom. Many Canadians have died for these beliefs, and many others have dedicated their lives to these pursuits. This willingness to stand up to protect human rights, freedom and justice remains one of Canada’s defining characteristics in the eyes of the world.
By remembering their service and their sacrifice, we recognize the tradition of freedom these men and women fought to preserve. They believed that their actions in the present would make a significant difference for the future, but it is up to us to ensure that their dream of peace is realized. On Remembrance Day, we acknowledge the courage and sacrifice of those who served their country and acknowledge our responsibility to work for the peace they fought hard to achieve.
During times of war, individual acts of heroism occur frequently; only a few are ever recorded and receive official recognition. By remembering all who have served, we recognize their willingly-endured hardships and fears, taken upon themselves so that we could live in peace.
Source: Veterans Affairs Canada, https://www.veterans.gc.ca/eng
How are cadets involved in Remembrance Day?
Poppy Days
Cadets sale poppies in 3 communities in the Bow Valley: Exshaw, Canmore and Banff. Poppy Days take place the weekend prior to Remembrance Day. Schedule is as follow:
Friday evening: Exshaw (10-12 cadets and 3 parents with venicles)
Saturday: Banff and Canmore
School Services
Cadets are involved in school services. Specific cadets will be assign by CO for those services. If you have not been assigned, you do not participate in the service as a cadet.
Remembrance Day Ceremonies
Banff cadets attend Remembrance Day in Banff in am.
More details on ceremony can be found at Royal Canadian Legion #26 Colonel Moore Branch (Banff) https://banfflegion.ca/events-2/
Canmore and Exshaw cadets attend Remembrance Day in Canmore in am. Depending on numbers, some might go to Banff.
More details on ceremony can be found at Canmore Legion – Three Sister Branch #3 https://canmorelegion.ca/remembrance-day/
ALL CADETS take the Squadron bus to attend ceremony in Exshaw. Cadets are then driven back to HQ for parents pick up.
Please refer to calendar for specific timings and dress.